February 2017

The quiz was devoted to the protection of hibernating birds. The aim of the event was to broaden horizons of children, to cultivate a sense of caring and responsibility for the fate of birds, love to nature, to raise the level of environmental culture, and to develop the creative abilities of children. The teams of 8-9 people from each class participated in the quiz. The pupils, together and individually, answered questions, solved riddles, gave examples of migratory and hibernating birds, called the reasons for migratory birds leave their homes, told about folk festivals related to birds. In his speech to students the Head of Kichke-Tan Akhly Faizullin told the children about the feathered friends, where and how they nest, and why it is necessary to feed the birds in winter.

Within the framework of the regional state environmental supervision in the field of protection and use of the territory (water area) of Spassky Nature Sanctuary the experts of the sanctuary have conducted inspectoral raids together with the police officers of the Directorate of the Ministry of Interior of Russia for the Spassky District. The events were aimed at detection and restraint of violations of the sanctuary’s rules. As a result of the raids, 12 instruments (nets) of the administrative offense committing have been seized. In respect of these facts, 5 protocols on seizure of objects and documents have been drawn up and 5 notices of initiation of administrative proceedings and administrative investigation have been made.

The workers of Chatyrtauskoye District Forestry met with the children of the school forestry unit of the secondary school No.1 of Aznakayevo town. The students were given a talk on “Discussion of tasks for 2017: birdfeeders making; fire safety in forest; preparation to the forest cultivation works”. As a reward for their fruitful work in 2016 the children were given the book “Forest Watch”. Also, as part of the meeting, the students visited the museum where they got acquainted with the history of Aznakaevsky Forest Establishment and the foresters’ instruments of labor.

In the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan an auction to sell the right to conclude a forest plantation purchase agreement to the small and medium businesses was held. In total, 84 lots from four forestries, Nurlatsky, Kzyl-Yulduzsky, Kaleykinsky and Menzelinsky, have been put on auction.

The commission of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan received 10 bids for 29 lots. As for 27 lots the auction was declared void (paragraph 1, clause 7, Article 80 of the Forestry Code of the Russian Federation).

With the only participant of the auction a minutes is signed and a forest plantation purchase agreement is made for up to 1 year.

Following the auction, 21,878.06 cubic meters of timber totaling 1,175,195.99 rubles have been sold.

The participation of small and medium businesses in the auction to sell the right to conclude a forest plantation purchase agreement contributes towards the effectiveness of the use of forests and more efficient reclamation of controlled felling area.

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