Great Russian forester Georgy Morozov turned 150

20 January 2017, Friday

January 19, 2017 marks 150 years since the birth of the great Russian forester Georgy Fyodorovich Morozov, who created a unified and one-piece doctrine of forest as a biogeocenotic, geographical and historical phenomenon showed the complicated relationship of living and inert components of the forest, forming a single natural complex. Georgy Morozov has proved that various forms of forest can only be understood in connection with the natural environment – climate, soil and wildlife.

Georgy F. Morozov is the author of the classic and repeatedly reprinted work “The Doctrine of Forest” where the issues of the forest species biology, biology and types of forest plantations are set forth. His works had a great influence on the development of biogeocenology, forest science and the formation of the doctrine of natural habitats of animals.

In 1899 Georgy Morozov published in the Pochvovedenie (Soil Science) magazine the article “Soil Science and Forestry” which is critical of the then state of the forestry assessing it as a “a patchwork of rules of thumb, only here and there pierced by the scientific element”. In this work he made a number of important provisions that he developed in his future activities, the development of which gave important scientific and practical results.

In 1901, on a competitive basis Morozov was elected as a professor of the St. Petersburg Forestry Institute, where until 1917 he headed the department of general forestry. At the department he established the library and Forestry Museum.

Georgy F. Morozov was one of the most respected professors of the Forestry Institute. “For his responsiveness, availability, sensitivity to the needs of young people, faith in power of knowledge, for its forward thinking and the pursuance of truth Georgy Fyodorovich surprisingly attracted the hearts of young people, which are always surrounded and loved him,” recalled his teacher, the Academician V.N. Sukachev. He encouraged students to participate in scientific activities. In 1912, one issue of Lesnoy Zhurnal, edited by Morozov, was dedicated to the research work of students.

In 1912, faithful to his “Creed”, Georgy Morozov published the “Doctrine of Forest. Issue 1” where he presents a deep analysis of relationships between individual organisms of forest and their environment, provides a definition of forest as “a combination of woody plants where there is not only their mutual influence on each other, but also to the occupied land and atmosphere”.

Silvicultural aphorisms from the Morozov’s “Doctrine of Forest" such as “forest is the geographical phenomenon”, “logging is a synonym for renewal”, “forest is a social phenomenon”, “the nature of the forest is made up of nature of species, nature of their combination and nature of habitat conditions” must finally become a guide for foresters to action because “forest is a historical phenomenon, and it is influenced by the nature and extent of previous and subsequent human economic activity”.

“Georgy Fyodorovich Morozov fully, utterly and perfectly answered the life by force, beauty and conscience of his talent,” said the closest student V.V. Matreninsky about his teacher.

G.F. Morozov is an author of over 400 scientific papers. Of the various Morozov’s articles, books and brochures Matreninsky gathered the posthumous publication of the “Doctrine of Forest” (1924) that has gained the widespread appreciation in our country and abroad, and V.V. Matreninsky – recognition and gratitude from the foresters. Time and practice have confirmed the correctness of Morozov’s “silvicultural principles”. His papers went through multiple printings in our country, Germany and the United States. The outstanding research forester ranges with such luminaries of the Russian biological science as K.A. Timiryazev, V.V. Dokuchaev, and V.I. Vernadsky.

In 1968, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences established the Morozov Gold Medal “For outstanding works in the field of forestry and protective afforestation”, the forestry technical school – the former lower school of Khrenovskoye Forestry where Georgy Morozov began his career – bear the name of Morozov. Here, in commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birth of Georgy Morozov the monument, created by tradition on foresters’ funds, has been erected.

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