Wonders in the spring forest

21 March 2017, Tuesday

Under this title, a lesson was held in the daycare center “Kolosok” of the Spassky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the International Day of Forests and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Reservations. With the help of toys and pictures children told about wild and domestic animals, their habitat, about trees, birds, and careful attitude towards nature. During the lesson the expert of Spassky Nature Sanctuary Lyubov Murzak told the children about the benefits of the forest: “Forests soften the climate, regulate the flow of water in rivers, protect the soil from destruction by water and wind, are sources of wood, valuable medicinal plants, food, have a favorable effect on human health, so the role of the forest can hardly be overestimated. Nature is a great and wise teacher. Unfortunately, many are indifferent to the beauty and harmony of nature. Perhaps, because, they do not know how poor life would be without the abundance of animals and plants, how they are needed, useful, just necessary. Our task is to love and protect nature”.

At the end of the event, the children were given books: “The Birds of Our Forests”, “The Amazing World of Butterflies”, “The Trees and Shrubs around Us”, “Ecology for Toddlers”.



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