Since April 15 a fire season will start in the Republic of Tatarstan

5 April 2017, Wednesday

Subject to the Order of the Ministry of Forestry of the Republic of Tatarstan No. 100-Osn “On the results of the fire season 2016 and the arrangement of work to protect forests from fires in 2017”dated 08.02.2017, April 15, 2017 is the beginning of fire season in forests in the Republic of Tatarstan .

The works to preserve and protect forests are performed in accordance with the schedule plans, from April to October 2017.

Annually, the experts of the forestries raise public awareness on the issues of compliance with fire safety rules in the forests and advise citizens on a regular basis on the current forest fire situation and actions to be taken in case of emergency caused by wildfires. On weekends and holidays they organize duties of designated persons in the offices of forestries and district forestries.

When the dacha season starts, the forestry specialists and the ministry staff will take part in the reporting meetings of gardeners’ and dacha non-commercial partnerships by making presentations to the members of the partnerships on fire safety in the forests.

Today, along the federal and republican highways, the fire prevention banners are installed. In addition, the existing notices and banners of past years are updated.

For the purpose of timely detection of wildfires, the ground and air patrolling facilities are used. The ground patrolling of the forest will be carried out according to the approved routes stipulated in the Forest Fire Fighting Plans elaborated for the forestries. On the territory of the subordinated institutions there are 207 ground patrol routes with a total length of more than 11,000 km.

For early detection of fires, all subordinate institutions of forestries are connected to the Remote Monitoring Information System.

Thanks to a set of forest management measures to ensure the state control and supervision in forests, the timely preventive firefighting measures, there are no fires for six consecutive years on the territory of the forest reserve of the republic.

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